I've been working on Valentine's the last 2 days. They are all the same but oh do I like them. The cards are from, you guessed it, the Target Dollar Spot, 8 cards for $1 with envelopes!!! They are really nice and sturdy cards. Then I embellished them with stamps and ribbon. Hope you enjoy (sorry for the poor photos...like I keep saying...I need a new camera!)

The weekend is finally here and my cold is sooo much better today! After I posted yesterday I just felt awful...sore all over and CRANKY and just plain yucky! Whatever bug I had must have hit it's peak but today, I'm tons better! I think this weekend would be a good time for a movie date night. The Oscar's are approaching and I'd like to see at least a couple of the nominated movies before the big event.
Have a great weekend!!! Hugs!
Hi Kim,
Love your Valentine cards...so very cute! I can't believe they were only $1!
Hi again! What adorable valentines! Really pretty!!! Your pictures are just find BTW!!!lol I really need to get to Target soon!
I checked out the blouse! Very very cute. I love anything with embroidery on it (need to start doing that again too!) That headband is so silly but makes you smile for sure! With all the static in the air my hair kind of feels like a "bird's nest"!lol Have a great weekend! - Jeannette
It seems sometimes when I'm sick it has to get worse then it seems to get better. Hope your feeling tons better for the weekend.
Love your cards! I hope to see some movies this weekend too. Hope your are feeling better soon.
I did tag you with a game on my blog . . . 6 random things about yourself, but I understand if you do not feel up to it. Get well soon! Karen
Hope you are on the mend. Love the lovely cards!
Hey Kim; I hope you feel better, colds can hang on forever it seems. I love you Valentine Cards they are so pretty. Have a great weekend, and Movie date night...
Hi Kim,
Great embellishments on the cards. Thanks for the heads-up on the frames at Target:) They are perfect size for little projects and they already have ribbon on them:)
Feel better and have a good "movie" weekend.
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