Hello!!! Wow it's already my 100
th post! I never thought I'd ever come up with so much to share! In celebration of my 100
th post it's giveaway time!!!! I decided on a spring theme with a little love thrown in...a little love for all my wonderful friends and followers!!! Below is just one item in my giveaway...more will be added through the week. Just leave me a comment any time I post this week, each comment will get an entry, so if you comment each day you get more chances to win! I will draw a lucky winner on Friday!!!

A little 4x4 frame with a felt applique, made by me. Inspired by the Premiere Issue of Homegrown Hospitality which I picked up at
Archiver's. I hope you all like it! More items will be added remember! A little spring and a little love!
On to the quilt progress. First off, I had extra fabric and some frames that I loved and picked up for the apartment last year. I didn't know what to put in the frames until I got this fabric. So, here's another color project for the dark drab apartment...

I hope you can see the pretty fabric when you enlarge the photo!
Here is the completed quilt top. I would have done a few things differently on the left side had a paid closer attention to the directions picture and hadn't followed the directions exactly. The seams didn't meet up, I thought it was more random and they weren't suppose to meet up until I re-looked at the picture. Oh well, sew and learn! Hubby won't mind! I bought the backing fabric on Saturday and will pick up some batting on Friday (it's 50% off at Joann's then plus an extra 10% of coupon!!!).

Hubby likes the fabric : )
I hope you all enjoy your day! I am off to clean and go to the dry cleaner. Fun stuff! Aren't you jealous!?!