Good Morning! This morning we have some thunderstorms rolling through ushering in our Indian Summer which will fade by weeks end. When the weekend arrives, we should not be surprised to see S**
WFL***S again! Wow this crazy weather!
I have been busy working on a few projects, one I can show you. The others are for a swap and I really want her to be surprised so those projects will have to wait to be shown. This little frame with hook was on clearance at Michael's. It is so cute! I decided to use it for our dog's leash. We can never seem to remember where it was last put (it's not used much). So now Cocoa has her own hook. The paper is old
Stampin' Up and the letter is from a board book kit from the Dollar Tree. This project cost about $2.25. Not bad at all!!!

(Click to enlarge)
Next AWARD!!!!

Marie Antoinette Award- a real person, a real award! Thank you to Dawn of
Dawn's Daybreak!!
Here are the Rules for the Award:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
Today, I feel like breaking the rules...sorry! I want to award this to all my blogging friends! I never knew I would meet such wonderful ladies online! You are all the bestest! Please place this award on your blogs! You all deserve it!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!! I am going to write some bills then have some fun making Christmas gifts.