Thank you all so much for your warm wishes and prayers! Every time I post that I'm not feeling well and you all start sending your prayers upward, I start feeling better right away! I am so thankful for all you!!! You are the bestest blogging friends ever!!! Like I said, I am starting to feel better already and I feel very blessed!
I've been tagged!!! Jeannette at
Sincerely Yours and Miss Rhea at
Miss Rhea's Sweet N Shabby Roses tagged me with Seven Random Things About Me. This is going to be hard I think... I will see what I come up with here.

1. I have a soft spot for animals, especially cats!
2. I have lived in Michigan my whole life but will be moving to Chicago full-time in the next couple of years. My hubby is there during the week now and I go back and forth from time to time.
3. I have had fibromyalgia, thyroid disease and 2 leaky heart valves for about 25 years. The fibro and heart valves limit me some but I try to live as normal of life as possible. I am thankful because I know I could have much worse ailments.
4. I love babies! I was a nurse's aide before getting married and worked at a local hospital. I worked mostly in pediatrics and the nursery. I would often be called off other floors to take care of the sickest newborns...getting them ready to be life flighted to the Children's Hospital.
5. Math boggles my mind. I literally feel dizzy and overwhelmed by story problems and other complex math problems!
6. New technology boggles my mind too! I usually have someone set up my new phones and computers because it is just to crazy for me! LOL!
7. I have a real issue being around negative people. (I'm like Miss Rhea with this).
Well, I hope you found that interesting! I tag anyone who would like to play along! I personally love to read everyone's random answers!
Have a great day! Hugs!