Morning!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend! We sure did and I will do a post on it tomorrow. Today, I want to get caught up on some awards and a tag. I still have one tag left to do, sorry
Dana, I need hubbies help on that one because I am terrible with song titles.

This award I received from Dawn at
Dawn's Daybreak, she offered it to her blogging friends. Thank you so much Dawn!!! I pass this award onto all my readers who leave me such nice comments and encouragement!

This award is from Rhonda at
Scooterblu's Whimsy, thank you Rhonda!! This award she was offering to her blogging friends. I would like to pass this on to all of you...thank you for your inspiration and your blogland friendship!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. List 6 unspectacular quirks.
4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking to them on your post and then commenting them to let them know that they are "it!"
Ok let's are some of my quirks...
1. I like all my candy canes on the Christmas Tree to be hung in the same direction. My kids and hubby like to turn one around to tease makes me crazy!
2. This one you know...I'm terrified of spiders.
3. I love John Deere tractors and would love to drive one in a farmers field.
4. I love watching the World News and GMA...I would love to meet Diane Sawyer and Charlie Gibson!
5. I am short and when I sit in a chair or sofa or when we are out to dinner, I like my feet touching the floor. I can't explain this one...haha
6. I love to read quilt and sewing blogs but I can't sew...I wish I could...I'm hopeless at it!
Anyone who would like to play along with this tag...You Are It!
I will be stopping by and visiting all of you in the next couple of days! I sure have missed you!!!
Have a great day!!! Hugs!