During the craziness of December I did a Christmas swap and won a blog giveaway. I want to share some pics with you today. (They didn't load in the order I thought but it will have to do today).
First the Christmas swap...I swapped with Angie from Sandals and Daisies. Angie is such a sweet friend. I am so sorry I couldn't get more pics...I was in such a hurry with everything going on!

Next, I won a giveaway from Heather at Hopscotch & Hydrangeas. This snowman is sooo cute and you can find earrings like these in her Etsy shop!

I hope you all keep warm and have a wonderful day! I am trying my bestest to work on some winter and Valentine's to share with you all! My upstairs is in desperate need of cleaning! If anyone had a medical emergency upstairs, I'd have to drag them by their feet downstairs so the emergency crew didn't have to see the mess! (Bad I know and of course I am joking...a little!)
Hey there-
Brrrr. Cold there. Supposed to get pretty cold here in VA too, but no snow. Sad me. Cute goodies.
Have a great Monday!
I love your gifts....how wonderful to get packages in the mail from friends!
Hi Kim! I'm chilled just thinking of those temps!brrr Hope you are staying warm. I am laughing because one day our alarm company called and said there was a signal at our house and my first thought was don't send the cops in before I get there to close my daughter's bathroom and bedroom door!!! I can relate to what you said! I wasn't worried about anything else!lol Thank you my daughter was ok on the roads the other night and I hope your hubby was too! Love that elf with your initial; so cute. The earrings inspired me to get my beading stuff out! I'm supposed to be doing laundry right now so off I go! Have a warm evening; sounds like a good night for hot choc and a book!!! Take care, Jeannette
Oh how nice Kim! What sweet swap partners you had. :o)
Hi Kim,
Fun new treasures you rec'd.
It's SNOWING here and I was out and the roads are bad, very icy..
I'm glad you are working on some cards and you know I can't wait to see them:)
Hello chica!
I am glad you enjoyed everything..it was sure fun to make things for you! Did you ever get my email I sent last week? A few others said they never got one and I had to resend...I may have to spank my email for being naughty..heehee! We are expecting more snow tonight..so I am preparing myself for the kids hangin around the house again. I hope all is well with you...I have so missed talkin to ya!
Love, Angie
What sweet gifts! Stay warm!
Kim cute stuff going on! Yea for your wins! Brrrrr it sounds Cooold over there!
Hi Kim! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. I am getting caught up on my commenting since the holidays! Whew! Love your 100 Things list. I might use it in the future. Fun idea! M.
Hi Kim,
Glad you stopped by today! You sure received some great "goodies"...that's always a lot of fun!
Very cute swap items... especially love prize won those earrings! Hope it stays cold for the snowshoeing, it's 81 degrees here and I'm having a little Spring fever. So understand about the upstairs situation, it's like that in my office... keep repeating, a work in progress ;)
Hi again Kim! Sounds like you are keeping busy!!! Are you knitting that scarf??? I just made one from a pattern in Martha Stewart Living and it was so easy and really cute! You and Jan are making me cold with your freezing temps!!lol Glad you are staying warm and look forward to your latest projects! My washing machine is walking across the floor so gotta go...lol Til later, Jeannette
Oh, it's freezing there! I'd never survive!
Cute winnings!
I checked out that list in the earlier post...I enjoyed getting to know you better :0)
We've had a snowier than average winter but nothing like what you are getting. We are expecting very cold temperatures too!
I love that snowman...and the elf is just darling. What nice gifts you have received.
take care,
Hi Kim, Happy New Year! I just read you Disney post, what a airport horror story. But you got there all in one piece.
Our lawn is covered with snow, but not as much as what you have.
Hi Kim!! What a sweet elf and snowman! I have a prize and some awards I hope to post about soon..like you, they happened when it was a crazy Christmasy time!
Whoa--you guys will have snow to your rooftops before long! We've got very cold temps (not as cold as yours!)--it was 4 this a.m. and will be colder in the next few days. I really, really hate the cold! I guess it just makes the Spring warmth seem so much better when it gets here!
I loved your list of things done on your previous post. My life is purdy boring when I see what I HAVEN'T done on that list--it was fun to see what YOU have experienced!
Stay warm and healthy! L, Dana
You are so sweet! I am so glad you liked the snowman and the earrings!!
It sounds like you are getting the same weather we are!! Not fun at all! The snow is pretty but I am over this cold- and it hasn't even reached the lowest yet. My poor husband has to work out in it! Oh April! April, where are you??? LOL!!
Love your prizes, especially the snowman. I have a soft spot in my heart for these chubby fellows! Guess I identify with them, lol! Wow, you were really lucky!
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