Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!!
Thank you all for your kind comments and prayers. I hit the wrong button tonight...I meant to hit publish and hit reject...UGH!!!! Soooo sorry I lost your comments!!!!!
I hope you all have a blessed and very Merry Christmas!!!! I will post again in January when we return from Disney World.
Love and hugs!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Poor Doggy
Yesterday we were back to the emergency room but this time for our dog. She fell a few times yesterday and became short of breath easily. When the mail lady came she barked at her per usual but then got so short of breath that she fainted. (I didn't know dogs could faint). Later we noticed her tummy becoming distended so off to the vet for emergency care. They took her right back and did a quick ultra sound on her tummy and found blood. Then they took an x-ray and a more thorough ultra sound. They found a tumor on her spleen and her spleen was bleeding. She had surgery at midnight and we will know between Saturday and Wednesday if it is cancer. (There is an 80% chance it is). Not good odds but none of her other organs are showing cancer. So we will see what the vet says and what type of cancer it is (if it is cancer) and if it's the worst possible type of cancer we will put her down. (She would only have a short time left and we don't want her to suffer with this recovery only to suffer more and die any way). We did the surgery in hopes that is benign and not an aggressive tumor. The surgeon said he found several on the spleen so I don't know what to think. As for now she is awake and alert at the pet hospital.
I am so sorry for being such a downer but we are having one thing after another. But praise God my dad is still recovering nicely.
I will be around to all of you soon. I have so many thank you's to post and I promise I will!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Miracle Man
The doctor's at Tallahassee Memorial Medical Center have said we have witnessed a miracle. On December 5th my dad went to the Emergency Room with an Abodominal Aortic Aneurysm the size of a soft ball and it had already ruptured. We were told it was very iffy he'd make it and if he did he may not have kidney function and he may be partially paralyzed. The ER consulted with the vascular surgeons and it was decided that the top dogs (AKA the steak and potatoes of the vascular surgeons, as the nurse told my dad) would do the surgery. The surgery was suppose to last 3 1/2-4 hours and they were done in 2 1/2 hours. During the surgery they clamped of all the blood supply to his lower body to be able to make the repair. Once we knew he was out of surgery and still alive we made our flights to Florida. When we got to the ICU the next morning (Saturday) they had already removed his respirator and he was breathing on his own, moving his legs, producing urine and talking! We were shocked! We were told the respirator would be in place for about 3-4 days but he only had it less than 12 hours. On Sunday, he had a setback. During the surgery his lung was punctured because they moved his organs around and because of the length of the incision everything was pulled about. They placed a chest tube and he did well with that. By Tuesday night he was up and walking, by Wednesday he was eating, Thursday the chest tube came out and he was off all monitors and sent to a regular room. Friday morning he came home, one full week ahead of schedule. All the doctor's who came in told us we witnessed a miracle and if his belly flap hadn't been covering the rupture and putting pressure on it, he would have died. He did lose 2 liters of blood and was given 4 pints of blood. He went home with no medications but very strict restrictions for his activity level. He can only walk, sit and sleep. He cannot lift anything heavier than a remote control for 4-6 weeks. So, it will be a slow recovery but he is recovering! PRAISE GOD!!!
Yesterday, after dropping my dad off at home, I flew home to Michigan. We will be stopping back to visit when we go down for our scheduled vacation on the 26th. It was one whirlwind and exhausting trip!
I will be trying to catch up at home now and getting ready for Christmas. I will be trying to catch up with all of you soon!
Hugs to all!!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Now there is a lot to do to get ready for DD's 21st birthday, my birthday, Christmas parties/auctions, Christmas Eve/Day and our trip to Disney World on the 26th! Whew!!! On Saturday I went through and confirmed our flight information which is still subject to time changes and our condo reservation. I checked the American Express to be sure CondoExpress.com charged our account for the remainder of our trip like they were suppose to. Well, they did not. So, I tried calling them and I got the message "This call cannot be connected as dialed". Try again, same thing. Hmmm...go to website...got the message "This website no longer exists". BIG HMMMM!!!! Try the resort...on hold for 10 minutes...and the representative tells me that CondoExpress went out of business and we probably have NO reservation!!! They didn't have any of our home info except for my name and they never received our deposit from CondoExpress which I paid back in APRIL!!! BUT...she said give me your name and she said our reservation WAS still there with a note to cancel if I hadn't called them by December 1. OMG!!! HURRAY!!! The good news is that the resort lowered their price since we made our original reservation and although we lost our $200 deposit we are still saving $68 from our original quoted price. (When we booked through CondoExpress their price had been cheaper than the resort price so that's why we booked with them. Now our new price is $268 lower than what CondoExpress quoted us.) We are going to try and find which bankruptcy court we need to go through to try and get our deposit back but I am sooo relieved to even have reservations. I called with 2 days to spare! That was enough excitement for me on Saturday!
Hubby assembled our tree on Friday. Now today I will put on the lights and decorate it. Here are a couple of the ornaments I have been making that are my reproduction of ones I have seen at Crate and Barrel. They are pretty easy but I wouldn't say quick. LOL!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

On a side note...the ultrasound came back good. I will be having bloodwork again in March and if it's still not good, I will see a nephrologist (kidney specialist).
Take care! Hugs!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Let it Snow!
I have only gotten my urine test back and that came back a-ok!!! The doctor was happy...ME TOO!!! The ultrasound was really quick and easy. I am guessing that I will have those results at some point this week. I have been flooding my kidneys per doctor's orders and that is getting easier. (60-80 oz is a lot!!!)
I have been working on some new projects these days. In Chicago, I went to the store Anthropologie for the first time...I loved it! There was a really pretty scarf that I really wanted but didn't want to pay $68 for. I'm trying to make my own version for about $15. I will show you pics if it turns out. I, also, got some other ideas from there to add a little something to some Target sweaters that I got on clearance. So another $15 instead of $78. I will post those too when they are done. And lastly, I am making some reproduction mitten ornament/gift card holders that I saw at Crate and Barrel. They were selling for $8 each and I think mine are about 25 cents. I will take pics of those too, later today. I have only made 2 so far. So, I have been keeping busy.
Sorry for the lack of photos...they will come! Now, I am off to wrap my sons and sister-in-laws Christmas gifts to get them off to UPS. (Beating the rush and my son likes to put his gifts under his tree in Oklahoma).
Have a wonderful day and Thanksgiving (if I don't post again)!!! Hugs!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm Back

Thursday, November 13, 2008
No Answers Yet
I went to the doctor this morning and we have no answers but a lot of questions were asked and some need answers. So, Monday I will take in a urine sample and Wednesday I will have a kidney ultrasound. The problem could be that I have been on a diet and my body thinks it's starving and it's eating away my muscle for protein. It could be I only have 1 kidney. It could be scarring on my kidney's from a past infection. It could be sooo many things. I may end up seeing a kidney specialist in the end. So for now, the doctor wants me to drink 60-80 oz of fluids a day. That seems like sooo much to me! Yikes! When I have more answers, I will let you all know! Thanks again...you are amazing friends!
Now, I am off to pack for Chicago! I will try to take some pics when I am gone.
Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Baby Shower and Stamp Club
I have a few things to show you this morning. First, a baby shower card. It turned out pretty good for a quick one.
Next, Stamp Club was on Friday and these are the crafts I had the ladies do. First, a triangle box. I think if you enlarge the picture you can see the glitter on the snowflake and BRRR...

And finally, a candle wrapped with scrapbook paper and cardstock. All stamps and paper are from Stampin' Up.

Monday, November 3, 2008
A Little Something and an Award!!!
I have been busy working on a few projects, one I can show you. The others are for a swap and I really want her to be surprised so those projects will have to wait to be shown. This little frame with hook was on clearance at Michael's. It is so cute! I decided to use it for our dog's leash. We can never seem to remember where it was last put (it's not used much). So now Cocoa has her own hook. The paper is old Stampin' Up and the letter is from a board book kit from the Dollar Tree. This project cost about $2.25. Not bad at all!!!
1. Please put the logo on your blog
Today, I feel like breaking the rules...sorry! I want to award this to all my blogging friends! I never knew I would meet such wonderful ladies online! You are all the bestest! Please place this award on your blogs! You all deserve it!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "Boo-ED". Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends. (Then put the pic in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been Boo-ed and to send the pic to someone else.
Now I am Boo-ing:
AND Anyone else who wants to play along!
Next up...I have received a friendship award from Deb at Garage Sale Gal. Isn't she the cutest little award!?! Thank you so much Deb...you are so sweet!

Monday, October 27, 2008
A Trip to Michael's
I am WAY behind on fall decorating. Some of the things I have packed away just aren't my taste now. So, off to Michael's. They had some of their fall things marked 70% off already. Below is a plate pulled out of my cupboard topped with 2 boxes of fall trimmings. They were regularly $7.99 a box and I only paid $2.40 box. Not bad!!! I think is purty!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
And The Winner Is....
I know this is a little late today but I have a winner of for my contest! The ornamental fruit is....an eggplant, also known as the Easter Egg Plant! And the winner is Lisa at Lisa's Retro Style! Congratulations Lisa!!!
Sorry for the short post but I've been gone all day and need to get some stuff done!
Have a great night! Hugs!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Facing a Fear and Johannesburg, MI
Hello! I am back from our long weekend! We were back yesterday but we had running around to do. We had a great time in Johannesburg! We even had a chance to face a fear for FREE!!! We took a drive to look at the fall colors and when we got to Boyne Mountain there was a sign that read: Free Skylift Color Rides. So, we decided to check it out. I couldn't believe that they were offering this for free! 3 of the 6 of faced our fears and decided it was possibly a once in a lifetime event. (The other 3 were not scared and were eager to hop on). So we got on the ski lifts for our very first and probably last times! LOL! Well, probably the last time for my hubby at least. I may try it again and our friend who was also, scared may try again.
The ski lift. It doesn't look too scary.
(Click on the photos to enlarge)
A bit of a blurry photo from above. This is where my hubby said in a very scared tone...SIT STILL AND BE QUIET! LOL!!! I was excited and not scared until this point. Seeing him scared made me scared! Almost panic attack kind of scared! Yikes, I couldn't wait to get to the top of the mountain!
PHEW! We made it to the top! The view was amazing!!! We really enjoyed our adventure and were glad we did it even though we were so scared! I was much better on the way down (not hubby...poor guy)
This is my daughter's bf's great grandfather's cabin. We didn't stay in this one but it's really cool!
The above cabin sits on this pretty little lake.
My daughter using the metal detector. She didn't find anything on the beach. Well, she did find a penny but it was one her bf hid in the sand to tease her!
The bf found this whatchamacallit from a gun. I can't remember the name of it. He found it in the woods by the cabin.
So, that was our pretty fall weekend! We visited a cool gift shop and hubby and dd's bf bought pocket knives and dd bought moccasins. Then we went in search of pasties...meat pies that are delicacies of the upper peninsula. We found them and had a yummy dinner :)
I hope you all had a great weekend too! Have a wonderful day! Hugs!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Latest Bag
Morning!!! Her is my latest bag, that will be given as a gift this weekend. I wish it photographed better. Someday I will have a better camera.
Today we are headed upnorth to Johannesburg to see what is left of the fall colors. It is going to be so nice to get away. We are headed up with our daughter, her bf and his parents. Saturday night we are going on a critter walk at a state park...I have always wanted to do something like that. We are taking the metal detector too for the beach. I will take lots of photos to share!
Have a wonderful weekend!!! Hugs!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Frankenmuth and a Chance to Win!!!

Here is a huge rooster hanging out at the cheese counter. I love him!
Now for the contest...As we were leaving Zehnder's we were looking at their pretty landscaping and saw these little buggers. We could not figure out what they were. They were growing right in with the rest of the flowers. Some were yellow and some were white and they start out as a purple flower. I brought one home and thought I'd use it for a contest. The first person to leave a comment with the correct answer of what this little egg shaped ornamental fruit WINS the ornament above. Like I said, I have no clue what it is...I will verify all answers using the world wide web. The first correct answer WINS!!! If by chance, we never figure out what it is...I will draw a random name from all entries. Good luck ladies!!! I'll pick a winner on Thursday next week!
I hope you all have a great day! I am looking forward to finding out what the mystery ornamental fruit is!! Good Luck! Hugs!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Good Deal For Early Christmas Shoppers
I will pass along any other great deals that head my way :-) Just want to help us all out when things are tight!
Have a great day! Hugs!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What I've Been Up To
I have some photos for you today :-) I brought in my daughter's hibiscus (a gift last year from her boyfriend) because we had frost last week. Here is a picture of one of it's last blooms. It is sooo pretty!

Like I said, I have been making lots of yo-yo's! These are some bags I've been working on. They still need to be ironed but I really wanted to post them. The pink bag is for a baby shower, my daughter's friend and her hubby are having a baby girl! I thought this would make a cute library bag for when baby is older. The purple bag is a birthday gift and the ivory one is a Christmas gift. They are for friends who live in a small village. They walk to the post office for their mail...so I thought these would be cute mail bags.
This isn't a great picture but it was really hard to get a good shot of them.
I have a few more bags in the works, still working on the black one that I gave you a sneak peek of before. That one is tough to get the needle through...ouchy fingers!
Hope you are all enjoying your day! Chat with you soon...hugs! Oh I almost forgot...our friends are still employed...one of them is safe for at least 3 more months his company says and then there will be more cuts. Thanks for all your prayers for them and us!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thank You Again!
I am doing better today and continue to pray for everyone during this tough time for our nation!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Let's see if I can create something cool to show you soon!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Angel Food
All this to say...I've been really down lately.
Today another friend of ours (daughter's bf's dad) is waiting to see if today is the day he loses his job. They are letting people go at his job. My best friend's hubby is also waiting to see if he loses his job in the next month or so (he wasn't on the list for last weeks lay offs). And one of my best blogging buddies hubby has been out of work for months. I am so sad about this! My hubby had to find 2 jobs in the last 6 years because of cuts and businesses closing. I lost my job 5 years ago when the tool design shop I worked for closed. I just don't know where all these poor people are suppose to go to find jobs! What are they suppose to do with their homes that won't be able to sell to get to the jobs if they find one??? This is all just hurting my heart these days.
All that to say...I know of a ministry that anyone can use, whether you need help or not. My son uses this ministry in Oklahoma and some of our friends use it too. It is called Angel Food Ministries. You can order boxes of food each month for a small price. You can even order more than one of each package if your family eats more. The regular menu has stable safe milk...my son uses this in smoothies and milk shakes.
I just wanted to let you all know about this ministry. At least it's a little something I can do to help. That and praying!
So sorry to be such a downer...I am just so sad for our friends right now. I am thankful for my hubby's job, really I am. It's just hard.
Have a wonderful day! Hugs!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Baby Shower Quilt and Card
Here is the picture of the quilt my daughter made for a baby shower tonight. She did a good job for her first one. It's not top quilted but more of a comforter, I guess. Sorry for the picture quality, I took these last night and it was very dark. (Click to enlarge the pictures)
Not much going on today. I really want to make some more cards. The one above is much prettier in person...I really need a better camera...some day! I, also, need to get to the yo-yo's again. I need to take pics of a few finished bags that are Christmas or birthday gifts. All of a sudden I feel like the holidays are in a hurry to get here! October came sooo fast! Speaking of which, I still need to put up a few outdoor decorations. I guess I had better get busy!
Have a great day everyone! Hugs!!
Monday, September 29, 2008

The covered bridge, it has name and it escapes me! Sorry!
Looking over the Cass River
Another view of the bridge.
The River Place, lots of shopping here! The hot buttered popcorn is here too but I was too stuffed from lunch :-(
This water fall starts up at the River Place and travels all the way to the river.
A fall display at The River Place.
After the River Place we headed into town and went through some of the shops and tried some cheese at the cheese shoppe. I didn't buy much, just a few stocking stuffers and some candy. We had a fun filled day though.
Sunday was filled with grocery shopping and errands. Had to stock up the Chicago apartment with food. I try to do this on Friday's but I rested this last Friday and hubby forgot to email me a list. Oh well. This weekend we will get some relaxing at home in.
I hope you all had great weekends too! Have a great day! Hugs!