I have been busy working on a few projects, one I can show you. The others are for a swap and I really want her to be surprised so those projects will have to wait to be shown. This little frame with hook was on clearance at Michael's. It is so cute! I decided to use it for our dog's leash. We can never seem to remember where it was last put (it's not used much). So now Cocoa has her own hook. The paper is old Stampin' Up and the letter is from a board book kit from the Dollar Tree. This project cost about $2.25. Not bad at all!!!
Next up...an AWARD!!!!
Here are the Rules for the Award:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
Today, I feel like breaking the rules...sorry! I want to award this to all my blogging friends! I never knew I would meet such wonderful ladies online! You are all the bestest! Please place this award on your blogs! You all deserve it!!!
Today, I feel like breaking the rules...sorry! I want to award this to all my blogging friends! I never knew I would meet such wonderful ladies online! You are all the bestest! Please place this award on your blogs! You all deserve it!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!! I am going to write some bills then have some fun making Christmas gifts.
Morning Kim! First, good girl for not saying that awful s word!!!lol Love this little project; on screen it almost appears like punched tin background! Very clever use for it too. I should be paying bills too and I really want to get into my craft space and have fun but don't think it will happen today???All the stores are packing in the Christmas stuff I was overwhelmed at Michaels this weekend and didn't get anything!!! Maybe if I say I need to make gifts I will allow myself to have fun today?!lol what do ya think?lol Have a great day - til later, Jeannette
Love the hook! You will be happy to have your doggy leash at hand. I have mine on hooks on the back porch.
I can't believe your weather but then again it's the time of year for stuff like that. I'd love some snow :)
Have a great day!
Wow, it must be pretty cold for that *S* word. Last night it was 20º when I went to bed, but it warmed up by this morning.
I like the frame with the hook. Nice work!!
take care,
Kim, your hook is sharp!
You make the prettiest things! And it's practical, too. Can't beat something that combines both of those qualities in my book. Thanks for sharing.
Kim I love the hook. It looks su cute We are supposed to get some of that S stuff this week too. I'll believe it when I see it. It was 78 yesterday. Weird weather for this time of year.
I love the first snowfall, after that not so much. I do like a white Christmas, but we hardly ever have one.
I love the name Cocoa! I also love a bargain and the frame with hook is what I would call a bargain!
That is a very useful hook Kim .Good ideal.The weather here is beautiful,but it is coming to an end by Friday the weatherman said.
Hey Kim!
We're feeling a 'cold" pinch too! But I'm so excited about it. It's only 66 here right now and it's been raining on and off all weekend til now. Of course nothing really measurable, just enough to get the cars dirty, but it's something :0).
I think that little dog leash hook is rather cute. You are so creative! I think I may attempt something similar and hang them in my laundry area/service porch.
Great project! And Congrats on the award! I was fortunate enough to be awarded it by Dawn, too! She is such a sweetie! ...Anyway, you certainly deserve it too! :) ~Rhonda
Hi Kim,
Great idea...you are creative and I appreciate you sharing your ideas. I have no idea what to price the avon bottles...if you have any suggestions...I'm listening. Thanks also for sharing the award..I hoping to get some stuff done this Thursday and Friday.I'm feeling behind in everything.
Luv ya,
Hi Kim! I can't believe its the middle of the week! I've finished one side of the basement!lol I'm jumping all over my house working a little here and there and feel like it's going to never end!lol Also I've been going through craft books and that isn't helping my brain!!!lol I came across a floorcloth I painted 8yrs ago and that got me thinking too! I really need fresh air I think! I'm waiting for laundry so I came on for a few minutes and was glad to see you stopped in! Hope you are having better luck finishing things than I am..I think a candy bar for dessert might help!!!lol Have a great afternoon - Sincerely, Jeannette
What a cute little hook you created! Congrats on your award!!
Hi again Kim! Just stopped in to wish you a great weekend! Til Monday - Jeannette
I Know! Can you believe this weather?? I am not looking forward to the S word at all, lol! I have really been enjoying this warm sunny weather.
I LOVE your little plaque! How pretty and you wold never guess the price!
Congratulations on the award! I love Marie Antoinette :)
Hi Kim! I should just talk to you through e-mail! I'm starting to look like a stalker!lol Hope that migraine is better! Have a great night!!! Sincerely, Jeannette
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