Good Morning! I am back from Chicago. We had a great time shopping and visiting
Evanston. We have been researching cities around Chicago and try to visit one when I am there. We really like
Evanston, it's on the north shore of Lake Michigan and home to Northwestern University. We really love living in a college town. We lived in
Houghton, MI for a time while my hubby attended Michigan Tech. We went online to find some condos to drive by and we stopped at Garden Park for a bit. It was
sooo windy and it was freezing! Here are some pics:

We found a condo around the block from here. It looks pretty much the same as this building. We really liked it from the photos online and the curb appeal. Too bad we have to wait 2 more years or so to buy one!

This is Lake Michigan, it was really rough out there. There were much bigger waves but I always caught them as they broke. The condo we like has a view of this from one of it's windows :-)

Another view of the lake.

The park we stopped at, it's perfect for walking our dog and hanging out. Oh how I hope there is an available condo when we get to actually buy one.
Today is my kidney ultrasound. I still need to drop off the urine sample (I know, I'm bad). So there should be answers soon. Thank you ALL soooo much for all your prayers and sweet comments!!! They mean the world to me!
Have a great day!!! Hugs!
That looks like a great place, love the shots of Lake Michigan from that side of the pond, too;)
Best wishes to you,
HI Kim! Glad you made it back safely; I was worried when I saw there was snow out there??? Thought you were going to get stuck!lol What a view!!! 2 years and a lot can change so don't feel bad that you can't make a change! I'm seriously wondering if an apartment would be better right now! Thanks for your kind comment on my dining room; it is still a little undecorated but all the basics are there; still need a small side table/buffet! When money allows!!! I may go make some fabric gingerbread men now; its great to have time to get back to my craft room - until tomorrow when I start peeling paper in my familyroom!lol Have a great afternoon dear - Talk to you later Sincerely, Jeannette
Welcome Back, Kim! The pics were great!
Praying for good health for you! :) ~Rhonda
The condo looks nice. The pictures of Lake Michigan are beautiful. It does look like a chilly day in the pictures too!
I hope your ultrasound went well. I'll be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!
take care,
Hi Kim, I'm so glad you are back. The condo sounds awesome with that view. I'm so glad you had a good time. Two years will go fast and you will have your condo before you know it.
Oh I love the view of the lake. Try to get that one LOL. Hope you are doing ok KIm.I will be praying for you dear.
Welcome back! Glad you made it home safe and sound. Those pictures are fantastic. I would love to have a view of the water from where I live :0).
Now, get that sample to the doc! Go on! Stop reading and go all ready! (lol)
What gorgeous beach pics! I hope you get feeling better. It is so scarey to know that something is wrong, but don't know what it is!
Hang in there!
Nice lake view. I hope all is well with you!
What a great view that would be!! Any place with a view of the water would be fantastic.
I am having a giveaway- stop by and put your name in!
You are in my continued prayers!!
My niece lives in an apartment complex right on Lake Michigan. She loves it there. Chicago is an awesome place. I am a small town girl and that will never change. I am in Colorado Springs visiting my daughter and grandkids; having a fab time but will be relieved to be home......need a vacation from my vacation! LOL
What a beautiful view of Lake MI! I have a cousin who lives in Lake Linden (Calumet before that) and she was actually down-state this weekend so I got to see her. It is such a beautiful area around Houghton, isn't it?
Hope your ultrasound went well and you get a great report soon :)
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