Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Finished yo-yo project!

Morning everyone!!! You can skip on over to DONNA'S-In The Attic to see my finished yo-yo project!!! Thank you Donna!! I'm so excited to see it on her blog! I hope you like it :)

I hope you all are having a great day! I'm off to do errands and I think I'll take some photos today. Happy treasure hunting and hugs!!!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Swap Pics and a Sneak Peek

Morning everyone!!! Here are the pictures of the cards and picture that I sent for the swap that Deb (Garage Sale Gal) & I had. (She finally got her box...yay!) It was a lot of fun making these and receiving!

*Click to enlarge*

*Click to enlarge*

Next is a sneak peek at my yo-yo project. It is finally finished and I sent Donna (DONNA'S-In The Attic) the pictures of the finished project. When she has posted them I will post them here too. I like the colors...I didn't stitch the yo-yo's together, I attached them to the project. I kind of like the "shabbier" look of it. Now I can get started on those Christmas gifts!

*Click to enlarge*

I guess that's all for now...happy treasure hunting and hugs!


Monday, July 28, 2008

Garden Fresh Picks!

Morning! Here is a picture of our first picking from our garden!!! Everything is sooo yummy! There is nothing like fresh fruits and vegetables out of the garden! (Except the farmers produce up the road...he has these same things plus the most wonderful sweet corn!) My tomato plants are so big and heavy with fruit that they are starting to topple over! DD and I were out there last night staking up their fences again.

My yo-yo project should be done this afternoon and then I will email the pictures to Donna at
DONNA'S-In The Attic, who is hosting the yo-yo challenge. After she posts the pictures, I will post them on my blog. I hope you will like it. I have a few more projects coming down the pipeline soon! More yo-yo's and some cards!

I should be treasure hunting again soon. I have been so busy here. I would like to go to the flea market but I'm not sure we will make it this weekend.

Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Happy treasure hunting and hugs!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Judy at BROCANTE AND ETC. gave me this award. As Judy says the story behind it is so touching. Thank you so much Judy, it's an honor! The rules: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same** Read all the details at Memoirs of a Mommy. You'll be touched by this story!
I am passing this award onto:
Have a wonderful day everyone...Share the Love!!!
Hugs and happy treasure hunting!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A WINNER and a pumpkin update!!!

Morning everyone!!! Sorry this is a day late! I have been having some computer updating issues and we had a busy Saturday! But...before we went to our BBQ...hubby helped me pick a winner!!! (Hubby keeps asking...what is this for???...why are you doing this???...I don't get this blogging thing...LOL...silly hubby!). Anyway, I thought it would be appropriate to have my giveaway drawing in the pumpkin patch by the pink flamingo.
That's hubby holding the drawing bowl...and the winner IS....

Jill at Jill's Junk to Jewels!!!! Congratulations Jill!!!!

I will send you a message about getting your address.

Turning orange now!!!

Now onto the pumpkin update...look how big it's getting! I think pumpkin number 1 is done growing now because it's already turning orange! I was really surprised to see the orange peeking through! Some of the leaves have powdery today I will spray them with the fungicide that's safe for vegetables. (DD's boyfriend brought some home for me from the garden center he works at.) There are several pumpkins out there now...I just hope they don't ALL turn orange too early...I know we didn't plant them too early. Hmm...a learning experience for sure.

A little bit of a yo-yo project will be done this week!!! So there will be a photo soon...I think I like my project, hope you do too! I bought some more fabric to make more
yo-yo's for Christmas gifts...I have a couple of ideas floating around. They are addictive to make but oh "sew" easy!!

Well that's all for now! I hope you all are having a blessed and wonderful weekend! Thanks ever so much for stopping by!!! Happy treasure hunting and hugs!!!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yo-Yo Challenge

Good afternoon! Here is a challenge I've been working on hosted by DONNA'S-In The Attic, go check it out! This is my kind of sewing...all by hand!!! I am HOPELESS with a sewing machine! I have made 90 yo-yo's using the large yo-yo maker and now I will apply them to my project. I hope it looks good when I'm done! I will post a photo later...good or not so good! ;-)

Hope you are all having a great summery day! The weather is beautiful here! Hugs and happy treasure hunting!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Wonderful Mail!!!

Hello everyone! Today I received a tassel I ordered from Susie Harris of Bienvenue...!!! She has an etsy shop so check her out!!! Along with my beautiful birdie she added some really pretty tags to my package! How sweet is that!?! I just love my birdie! Hubby will be hanging my new picture frame with glass knobs this weekend and this cutie will be hanging so pretty from it! YAY! Thanks Susie, I love it!!!

*Click to enlarge*
Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day! Happy treasure hunting!

Look what came in the mail!!!

Hello again! Just wanted to share a package I received yesterday from Deb of Garage Sale Gal. Thanks again Deb!!! We got to emailing and decided to swap some cards since we both enjoy stamping. Hers came to me quickly! Mine are headed out tomorrow. I am not great at photographing cards but I hope you can see how pretty they really are! The flower and butterfly have glitter and *sparkle* so pretty! I will post the cards I did when Deb receives them...I want her to be surprised!

*Click to enlarge*

Have a great day!! Hugs!!


Monday, July 21, 2008

Lorena and Deb are having giveaways too!

Hello everyone!

Lorena over at Rosechicfriends is having a giveaway!! Head on over to her blog to enter to win!


Deb at Garage Sale Gal is having a giveaway too! So head over there while you're at it to enter her giveaway!

Have a great day! Happy treasure hunting and hugs!

Giveaway Reminder

Remember to enter for the giveaway you need to enter on my Saturday, July 19 post which is here, by leaving a comment.
Good Luck!!!!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

2 treasures and a giveway picture

Morning!!! Looks like rain today but that's ok...need to work inside today! Thank you to all who have left sweet comments on my 1000 hit and giveaway post! I love hearing from everyone! If you haven't entered yet...go one post down and leave a comment!

Here are pictures of some treasures...I got them at a thrift store called Rescued Treasures. They are having a sale until the end of August 50% off everything in the store. Their furniture is a bit pricey but their dishes and other "treasures" not so bad. They even had things like vases and individual plates and cups at 75% off. I ended up getting 2 identical milk glass footed bowls, 7 six inch bread plates by Franciscan (pattern Maytime), 4 snack plates with cups , a small milk glass vase and a milk glass candy dish... all for $12. I didn't think that was bad at all!

This is the vase with wildflowers from our creek.

This chicken planter came from the Salvation Army last week. I fell in love with it!

And this is the GIVEAWAY picture!!! One of the bread plates I picked up, one of the milk glass footed bowls and a little bird house that I picked up at a yard sale. This is my first giveaway, hope you like it!

Well, I guess that laundry is calling my name. Hope you all have a great day! Happy treasure hunting and hugs!!!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday pumpkin update, over 1000 visits to my blog and my first giveaway!!!

Hello everyone! Here is the Saturday pumpkin update....every Saturday I have been tracking the growth of our first pumpkin. This week it has really grown! We have had hot and humid weather and these pumpkins seem to LOVE it! My hubby was teasing me this morning...asking when we were going to get the nasty letter from the Home Owners Association. I told him they can't say anything because there is nothing in the bylaws about gardens...then my DD chimes in "yeah, but does it say anything about having a farm?" Sheesh! They won't be teasing me when fall comes and we have lots of pumpkins that only cost a couple dollars!

"The Farm"...looks more impressive when you're up!

When I started this blog, I had no idea I would get over 1000 hits so quickly!!! And my plan was to have a giveaway at 1000 hits!!! Well today I hit that goal! Thank you to all my blog world friends for stopping by and leaving me such awesome comments, encouragement and blogging advice! I enjoy reading each and every comment and try to send a note to thank you! So to further thank is time for my first giveaway!!! Monday I will post a picture of the giveaway (sorry no time this coming in tomorrow from out of state). All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and on Saturday, July 26 I will draw the lucky winner!!! YAY!!!

Have a great weekend!!! Oh and I have some treasures to show you on Monday too!!! Hugs and happy treasure hunting!!!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just some random garden pics

Hello all! Today I wanted to show you some other garden happenings...we are growing things other than! Tomorrow I should have some treasures to show you. I picked up one thing at the Salvation Army on Monday but still need to take a pic. So on with the garden pictures.

Beef Steak Tomatoes

Yellow Mexican Hot Peppers

A shabby sunflower (that the birds planted in the crack on the patio)

next to my shabby/chippy pink lawn chair.

One of my frogs at the pond. They get comfortable

with people as the summer goes on.

Hope you are all enjoying your summer so far! Have a great day and hugs!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tag #2

Hello again! Ok this is the hard tag...Sherry at Edie Marie's Attic tagged me for...
~~~7 Song Tag~~~

The rules:
List 7 songs you are into right now. No matter what genre, whether they have words, or even if they are not any good, but they must be songs you are really into right now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs.Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.
Well like I said in my last post...I really don't listen to music. But I will tag others...
I think that's all I'll tag for now.
Have a great day! Hugs!

Tagged Twice!

Hello all! I've been tagged twice! The first one I was tagged by fitty's pink rose cottage. I am to answer the following 7 questions. So here goes...

~Where have you traveled? Canada, Oklahoma, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Washington D.C., North Carolin, Kentucky and Tennessee...I almost forgot... Florida and the Caribbean!
~Where would you like to live? I like my house here in Michigan but will eventually be moving to Illinois full-time.
~What is your decorating style? A bit of everything...I mix the old with the new. I will post a few pics soon.
~How many times have you been married? One time, almost 24 years.
~Favorite color: shades of pink, green, brown and white~
~What is your proudest accomplishment? 2 soon to be a meteorologist and one soon to be an elementary/middle school teacher
~What would we be absolutely shocked to learn about you? Hmmm...I guess that will go along with my second tag today...I really don't listen to music. I like it but when I'm alone in the car...I like to be quiet and have time to think.

Now I will tag these ladies (if you've been tagged before and don't want to do this problem!)....

Kim at BellaDella and Joy at Books and Life!

Ok have a fun and great day! Hugs!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Look who I found

Good Morning!!! Look who I found in the pumpkins! My pink flamingo was a little jealous to be stuck up in the attic when he heard what a great time The Stone Rabbit's new friend was having. So when I heard the crying, I told hubby to go get him down. He has been neglected the last 6 years...poor thing got put in the attic when we moved here. I wasn't sure where he should go at this our last house he had been a housewarming gift (a gag housewarming gift) but I loving placed him near the pond we put in. So here he is 6 years later...a happy bird in the pumpkins. I hope you enjoy the story at The Stone Rabbit, I know I sure did!

The pink flamingo in his new home.

Pumpkin flowers...they're so big and bright and the bees love them!

A pumpkin anatomy lesson...this flower bud is a pumpkin bulge under it.

This one is the female...can you see the little bulge below the bud? (Right where the vines divide)

An update on our first pumpkins progress. Saturday, July 12.

No new treasures to share. We had a busy weekend! Saturday we went to the Detroit Tigers game...we have season's tickets right by Magglio Ordonez on the right field side. Magglio is on the DL, a couple of weeks ago we watched him walk off the field with an injury. I missed seeing him there but he will be back after the All Star break. Sunday we worked around the yard and did errands...not so fun stuff. I think today I will check out a thrift store.

Have a great day! Hugs and happy treasure hunting!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Updated blogs I visit

Hello! I updated the list of blogs I visit everyday or try to...if you don't see your blog on here and would like it to be...let me know and I will add you!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Before and Now

Good morning! Just a couple garden pics. I was amazed to see how much the plants grew in a week! We have our first pumpkin growing too! This is the first year for us growing pumpkins. Hubby threatens to suck up the vines growing beyond the garden with his lawn mower. But since he likes me happy, he will leave them unless they start taking up more of the valley. I have always wanted to grow pumpkins and with as much as they cost to pick your own north of here, I decided this was the year. Hubby wants to know what happens if we get a ton (probably unlikely) but I told him I'd put them up for sale in a "garage sale" (not sure if we can just put up a produce stand in our sub). Ever see Little People Big World on TLC...we may need to call our property Kim's Farm and build attractions! Not likely, since we have only 1/2 an acre in the middle of a subdivision managed by a homeowners association. But long as we have a couple nice ones to carve and some to decorate the yard with, I will be happy.

Ugh! Ok the pics are in the post below because Blogger won't put the pictures where I want them! Sorry about that!!! Hope you enjoy the pics on the next post!

Happy treasure hunting and Hugs!


The Garden Pics the time of the blog Garden Party.

Saturday, July 5

Still Saturday, July 5 (before hubby cut that long grass!)

Our first pumpkin! It's a lot bigger since this pic was taken on Saturday!

Promised pics...

Hello again! Here are the pics I promised you. Having caught up on all your blogs, I am having a bit of a phobia when it comes to posting pics. You all stage or arrange your treasures in such beautiful ways. I am trying but boy do I have a lot to live up! Hope you enjoy!
This cute little covered vanity box is Coalport and is about 2 1/4 inches across and 1 1/2 inches high. I picked it up at the Armada Flea Market (here in Michigan) 2 Sundays ago for $5...I just saw one up for auction for a starting bid of $14.99. So, I think I got a deal!

This treasure box I found at the Marshall's in Illinois. It was on clearance for only $7. I love it, it will hold a lot of treasures! The skeleton key I picked up at the Armada Flea Market for $1.50. (I added the green ribbon.) I love these great-grandma had one to open her door up until she died in 1981. They remind me of her.

I fell in love with this Avon talc tin at the Armada Flea Market. I love the flowers and the pink lid. It has just the right amount of shabby-ness to it. (only 75 cents)

I have been collecting these bud vases for a very long time. I haven't seen one in a while but picked this one up at the Armada Flea Market for a dollar. I don't know if it's and old one or a reproduction or what they call them but I love them.

One final pic of my skeleton key. It's so cute!

Tomorrow I will have pictures of our vegetable garden. Our plants are growing like crazy, especially the pumpkins. Have a wonderful day all! Happy treasure hunting and hugs!


Monday, July 7, 2008

I am back!

Good morning! I am back from my long break, hope you all had a great holiday!!! We had a good break but glad to be back to my own schedule. We spent some time here, some time at our Chicago-area apartment and a day in Caseville, MI. I have some pics of some of my new treasures coming up later today, hopefully. I found one at Marshall's near our apartment (sorry don't know the cities around Arlington Heights yet...we are new to this area) and I found some treasures at the Armada Flea Market here in Michigan. I didn't find much though, especially this last Sunday...a lot of booths but not a lot of finds. I probably could have found a lot on Saturday while headed to Caseville, but my parents expected us around a certain time so we didn't stop. I really wanted to though as we drove by thrift stores a big yard sales...sigh. While in Caseville I hoped to find some buried treasure in the woods behind my parents. We took the metal detector out there but only managed to find rusty nails, a bolt and a bent piece of good treasure. There were way too many people to take it down to the beach but maybe next time.

Wow that got long...still reading?? If so, I will get those pics taken today and try to post them too. Along with that I am going to catch up on email and all of your blogs! Can't wait to see what everyone has been up to!!!

Happy treasure hunting till then and hugs!