Thank you all so much for your warm wishes and prayers! Every time I post that I'm not feeling well and you all start sending your prayers upward, I start feeling better right away! I am so thankful for all you!!! You are the bestest blogging friends ever!!! Like I said, I am starting to feel better already and I feel very blessed!
I've been tagged!!! Jeannette at Sincerely Yours and Miss Rhea at Miss Rhea's Sweet N Shabby Roses tagged me with Seven Random Things About Me. This is going to be hard I think... I will see what I come up with here.
2. I have lived in Michigan my whole life but will be moving to Chicago full-time in the next couple of years. My hubby is there during the week now and I go back and forth from time to time.
3. I have had fibromyalgia, thyroid disease and 2 leaky heart valves for about 25 years. The fibro and heart valves limit me some but I try to live as normal of life as possible. I am thankful because I know I could have much worse ailments.
4. I love babies! I was a nurse's aide before getting married and worked at a local hospital. I worked mostly in pediatrics and the nursery. I would often be called off other floors to take care of the sickest newborns...getting them ready to be life flighted to the Children's Hospital.
5. Math boggles my mind. I literally feel dizzy and overwhelmed by story problems and other complex math problems!
6. New technology boggles my mind too! I usually have someone set up my new phones and computers because it is just to crazy for me! LOL!
7. I have a real issue being around negative people. (I'm like Miss Rhea with this).
Well, I hope you found that interesting! I tag anyone who would like to play along! I personally love to read everyone's random answers!
Have a great day! Hugs!
Hi Kim, I'm so sorry you are feeling less than "spunky" right now. You certainly do have some health issues to deal with, but I think you are a wonderful role model for maintaining such positive attitudes--even when you don't feel too great!
I'm glad your flamingo enjoyed the water and glad it is not near your house. So, do pumpkins float? ;-)
Keep up your program of rest and iron suppliments! Dana
Those were great facts. :) I am with you on the babies one. :) I was a Nursery Director at our last church. That was my Last paying job before I had to stay home with the fibro. But I would have done it for free and did for a few years before they hired me. I just LOVE babies and children. Especially two year olds. I loved watching them learn and interact. They taught me a lot about just jumping in with no expectations, Reckless Abandon, lol !! Hope you have a Great Day Kim !! So glad you are feeling better. :)
I am so happy to hear that you are feeling a little better. That makes me smile. Love your post. It's always fun to learn more about my favorite bloggers- I mean friends :) Have a wonderful afternoon!
I am very happy to read that you are feeling better!!!
I liked reading your 7 facts about yourself. I think it would be both a joy and heartache at times working with children/babies in the hospital.
I'm with you on the negative people thing! Life's too short to be so unhappy!!
take care,
You inspire me with your positive attitude. I find you warm and giving, really accepting of everything. Too many people let the little things get them down. You are able to rise above your challenges and inspire others. I love that about you. I certainly am glad that I have come across your blog and become a 'friend'.
Hi Kim,
Hope you are feeling a bit better.
Loved reading your list!!
It's so fun to find out about people isn't it?
Take good care,
Hi Kim,
Very interesting - I am with you on the cats and the math.
Hope you're feeling much better - it sure is nice there are so many supportive people out there ;)
Hi Kim...
After reading your facts..I see we have even more in common..go figure. I hope you are feeling better sooner rather than later....must be all the crazy weather....take care of yourself..get some rest this weekend!
Oh, I am so sorry you have been under the weather. I have several friends that suffer from Fibro. I have often thought that I have it too but have never been tested for it. But I have alot of achy and no energy days. I had my thyroid gland burned out 13 years ago when I got Graves disease so although I take the med to replace the hormone, it still isn't enough.
I sure hope you get to feeling better.
Morning Kim! Thanks for playing I learned a lot more about you! I'm so sorry you are not feeling well; I just assumed it was bad weather and not you feeling "under the weather"! Are you a big soda/coffee drinker? I've heard before that can affect your absorbtion of iron? I hope they figure things out soon so you can feel better and get back here in blogland. Miss you when you don't post!lol Take it easy dear and feel better soon! Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi Kim!
My aunt has fibromyalgia....I have learned so much about it thru her. It is a horrible thing to have...your outlook on it is so wonderful.
I HATE Math...H.A.T.E. oh and I can't stand negative people either. It's one thing to just have a bad day, but to be constantly negative allll the time is just draining.
Oh that is so touching about you getting the newborns ready to go to the Children's Hospital. I have a special place in my heart for people who do that because my baby was a 9 week preemie that had to be transported to Children's ... it was such a horrible thing to have to just watch your baby be wisked off by strangers, but after being in the NICU for 7 weeks and meeting everyone, I learned how loving they all were. It was a blessing to have such wonderful people care for my baby when I couldn't. :)
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well.....
I enjoyed learning more about you. Oh, my oldest LOVES Chicago, and thinks it would be THE place to live!!
I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better again!
Interesting facts to know about you? I'm right there with you on at least a few of them:D
I've been tagged by the same tag...plan to do it when I get back from our trip.
Lisa B.
Hi Kim, I hope you feel better soon. I loved learning more about you.
Hi Kim,
I am so glad you are feeling better- prayer really makes the difference.
I enjoyed learning more about you. You are beautiful on the inside and out.
Have a beautiful MI fall weekend.
Hi again Kim! I'm in my husband's office waitin for him! I wish we lived closer too so we could craft together!!! I know I rest better too when hubby is home at night! So get a good weekend worth of rest and have fun see you next week!lol Jeannette
Hope your better soon Kim ,I miss you.
Hi Kim,
Wow, no wonder you don't feel good. That's a lot of health issues that you have to take care of. It was fun to learn more about you. Have a great Sunday.
Big hugs,
Hi Kim! You are one positive trooper, to have some many conditions and illnesses! You amaze me! :) Hope and pray you are continuing to feel better!
Enjoyed reading your list! I'm with you on the Math thing! LOL!
~hugs, Rhonda :)
Just knowing you from the blogging world, I would never have guessed you deal with so many health issues. Your positive attitude toward life comes shining through in your posts. Hope you are feeling better.
I am sorry you are not feeling well. I certainly agree with all the other posts you are always positive and I look forward to seeing your posts. I am curious about the pumpkin patch.
take care,
Hi Kim! I was glad to see you stopped by I hope that means you are starting to feel better and better?!! My daughter is out again, it's college night at a club!Yuck so I'm on here bloggin!lol I'm glad your daughter is sewing and you taught her; something she will thank you for when she wants to decorate her own place! I taught my daughter when she was little and then she started telling the home-ec teacher my mom says to do it this way! Teacher not happy!lol lol I guess she was listening! Take care friend - Sincerely, Jeannette
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