Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wet Nose

I am back!!!
What a week, last week!

Saturday, bright and early...
we packed the dogs up and
drove to our favorite pet store...

We went to the Geneva, IL location.
On Saturday they were having a
birthday party in honor of their dog,
Lily, who was turning 12.
Lily was the inspiration behind
the owners opening Wet Nose.

I'd say they are more of a pet boutique
than a "pet store".
All of my dogs favorite treats come
from here.
They include:  Yak's milk, bully sticks and deer antlers.

The displays are to die for!!!

I picked up a leopard print dog food can with
my 25% off coupon.

Here we are back home,
happy and exhausted!
The line in the store wrapped around the entire store!
See the hot pink tote bag?
That is our swag bag for being the first 50 (I believe)
customers to spend X amount.
(Let's just say, our snacks for 3 months and
Christmas list has been checked off.)

In the swag bag...
3 toys and tons of treats!
The bag was worth $75!!

Now my dogs have a new favorite snack:


thanks to the swag bag!


Hope you had a great weekend!!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the name of the store!
    Are they really 'duck feet'? Don't they stink? I know horse hooves really stink. A couple of our dogs don't have enough teeth left to chew that much but would surely try and lose even more teeth! lol
    we serve raw baby carrots, unsalted pretzels, and homemade chicken nuggets ( just skinless, boneless white chicken chunks ).Getting old is hell on dogs too!
